SMS Communication

Whiteacres Medical Centre has slowly increased the use of SMS (Short Message Service) as a communication tool between the practice and our patients. This invaluable, cost effective solution is provided by a third-party supplier called AccuRx, who also run our Patient Triage system.

Text messages are a low-cost way for Whiteacres Medical Centre to keep patients updated, particularly for large-scale communications such as flu jab reminders. It saves valuable administration time for our admin staff, allowing the team to carry out tasks such as calling patients for their appointments, posting letters and much more.

There are other benefits to using the SMS tool, such as sending appointment reminders, booking appointments, cancelling appointments and low level clinical tasks such as asking patients for samples for tests.

IMPORTANT: We will NEVER ask for bank details in any text messages we send. Stay vigilant and protect your data. If you are worried about a text message received from Whiteacres, please contact the surgery immediately. DO not follow any instructions on the text message received.

We appreciate not everyone has a mobile phone or comfortable using mobiles phones. Please contact the surgery if you wish to opt in / out of this service.


‘Month Of Birth’ Annual Reviews